Let's step back for a minute. So far in this series of blog posts on DCI, I've been focusing on extending the Layer 2 domain between data centers with the goal of supporting hot migrations β ie, moving a virtual machine between sites while it's online and servicing users.
As a follow-on to my previous article on onePK β Cisco onePK: Now I Get It β I recorded a screencast in which I talk about what a onePK-enabled network is capable of. I also demonstrate two applications which make use of onePK to gather telemetry from the network and also program the network.
MTU Checker - Verifies that when the MTU of an interface is changed on the CLI, that the adjoining interface MTU matches Routing For Dollars - Programs the forwarding table of the routers in the network based on the cost β in terms of dollars β of the various links in the network Disclaimer: The opinions and information expressed in this blog article are my own and not necessarily those of Cisco Systems.