Troubleshooting Cisco Network Elements with the USE Method
I want to draw some attention to a new document I've written titled "Troubleshooting Cisco Network Elements with the USE Method". In it, I explain how I've taken a model for troubleshooting a complex system-the USE Method, by Brendan Gregg-and applied it to Cisco network devices. By applying the USE Method, a network engineer can perform methodical troubleshooting of a network element in order to determine why the NE is not performing/acting/functioning as it should.
I ask that if you're familiar with a given Cisco network platform (or platforms), that you please contribute commands that would also fit into the USE Method! My list is just a start and I welcome contributions from others in order to make it a stronger, more valuable reference.
Please check out the guide: Troubleshooting Cisco Network Elements with the USE Method